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Top 10 Tech Influencers You Should be Following in 2020 ( USA)

  • By Abinayaa R
  • March 20, 2020

Influencers in the US and around the world have taken marketing to another new level with their ability to convert or aware more people effortlessly. Many marketing Guru’s say that marketing shouldn’t be felt like marketing to the customer. Influencers can do that trick easily. They can promote your product as your customers are scrolling through their Instagram feed or Youtube.
Affiliate Marketing is one of the leading digital marketing strategies that are being practised today.
We have compiled a list of the top 10 tech influencers throughout the United States who are popularly exploring in the Technology space. Here is the list of the top 10 US tech influences to find and connect with the influencers that matter to you.

The top 10 tech influencers in the US to follow in 2020

Marques Brownlee   

Youtube Link: marquesbrownlee                                                     
Subscribers: 10.6M
Twitter: @MKBHD
Twitter Followers: 3.7M
Bio: Web Video Producer, Pro Ultimate Frisbee Player, Host of @WVFRM
Location: NYC

Justine Ezarik

Youtube Link: ijustine
Subscribers: 6.32 M
Twitter: @ ijustine 
Twitter Followers: 1.7M
Bio: I make tech and travel videos 🎮🐶📱☕
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Guy Kawasaki

Twitter: @ GuyKawasaki
Twitter Followers: 1.4M
Bio: Chief evangelist @Canva, board of directors @Cheeze, and brand ambassador @MercedesBenz
Location: Silicon Valley, California

Tai Lopez

Twitter: @tailopez
Twitter Followers: 697.3k
Bio:  Investor. Philanthropist. Mensa Member. Read 1 book a day. 10 million view TedX. Watch 67 Steps That Took Me From Broke To Driving Lambo
Location: Hollywood Hills, CA

Lewis George Hilsenteger

Youtube Link: unboxtherapy
Subscribers: 16.3M
Twitter: @unboxtherapy
Twitter Followers: 2.2M
Bio:  Where products get naked
Location: Toronto

Destin Wilson Sandlin

Youtube Linksmarteveryday

Subscribers: 7.89M
Twitter: @smartereveryday
Twitter Followers: 2.2M
Bio:  I’m Destin. I seek truth and share what I learn with others.
Location: Rocket City, USA

Jonathan Morrison

Youtube Link: tld
Subscribers: 2.68M
Twitter: @tldtoday
Twitter Followers: 523.3K
Bio: trying to make cool things
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Robert Scoble

Twitter: @ Scobleizer
Twitter Followers: 408.5K
Bio: Spatial Computing Research & Strategy @InfiniteRetina #spatialcomputing #VR #AR #AI #robots Utility not surveillance.
Location: Campbell, CA

Markos Moulitsas

Twitter: @ MeghanMBiro
Twitter Followers: 140.6K
Bio:  CEO @TalentCulture | #WorkTrends Wed 1:30 – 2pm EST Analyst – Brand Strategist – Podcaster | #HR #Tech #Digital #Entrepreneur #FutureOfWork @Forbes
Location: Cambridge, MA

 James Canton

Twitter: @ futureguru
Twitter Followers: 59.1K
Bio:  Futurist, speaker, advisor, founder, CEO Institute for Global Futures, author FutureSmart, Innovation Economy, ESGFinance, startups, AI, TEDx, xApple, xMediaLab
Location: San Francisco, CA
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