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The Future Predictions About IoT Only a Handful of People Know

  • By Agira Technologies
  • May 25, 2018

IoT is about to hit all the industries. The promising features of IoT, all set to hit us in phenomenal ways. From computer’s to mobile to kid toys, everything is being embedded with Sensors through Machine Learning. Though, We have been introduced to wast range of highly protected technologies and devices still we ought to face the data breaches and security vulnerabilities every day. How the IoT will help us? What’s the impact of IoT in Businesses and Enterprises? While trying to opt the latest technologies, remember that our big questions still remain unresolved. So, What IoT has in its bucket to comfort us in the future.  By the same token, Let’s witness the future predictions of IoT that could definitely serve us some cool features.

Impact of IOT in Human health

Are these traffics creating too much pollution? And, these pollution causing you a breathe problem all these days? Don’t worry; you will not face it in future. Spotlight can help you to drive traffic free. Spotlights are aimed to embedded with the video sensors, So, these sensors can track and adjust the traffic lights color based on timing and traffic congestion’s.
Heard about Multi-application Gas sensors? No? Now you will get to know! These multi-application Gas sensors are being developed with the power to recognize and identify our diseases just by analyzing our breath. It can also be able to identify the biochemical threats.
Such booming Sensors are creating the new trend in IoT.

Sensors Will Change The Traffic System

More than 20% of fuel being sucked by while getting stuck in traffic every day. Moreover, the remaining getting sucked while searching through streets to get parking space. IoT is about to change the parking system too. Will fix the sensors in the parking system that would give us the appropriate information’s then & there about the parking area and its empty space details. So the driver can get all the details just from the app.

IoT for Business

A report says that Nearly $16 trillion is planned to invest on IoT in future. IoT is about to change the future business which will result in increasing the productivity. Government is also planning to adopt this sector mainly to improve the quality of people lives. Moreover, Consumers are next on this list to opt the IOT ecosystems.

Get Ready To Experience the Smart Cities

As we all know that, IoT is mostly used by consumers. But the future will change the trend! IoT is set to be used by people from all sectors.
Apart from companies, cities will also take part in it and tend to adopt more technologies in future.
Through these technologies, cities could efficiently collect and manage information and everything will come under remote management system. Plus, it’s even easier for us to automate the various process simultaneously.

Standard Device For App Ecosystem

In addition, A model is set to develop the semi-closed vendor ecosystem for applications. With the help of this system, we can enable the Multi-vendor ecosystem to certify the various brands just by the IoT gateways.
The crucial plot of this system is that all the components of an application are obligated to support only for single Vendor. Which means, just the vendor who got connected with tracking application is allowed to access that application, and it cannot support other vendors until and unless they get a new tag to establish a connection with that application. To opt this, IoT needs standard open device management, and once it’s done, we don’t have to bother about the downs of hardware investments.
Image result for IOT security

The Big play of Hackers 

Could you re-imagine the biggest breach that happened in history and how we all got affected? DDoS! How it’s just crashed all our connected devices. Even this malware logged in and accessed all our devices with our default login details. After login, it directly turned our device into a botnet which is used as DDos (distributed denial of service) to attack the system. All the major hosting companies and internet service providing websites have fallen on these lists and got affected by this attack. Another tragedy is, This code of malware kept as open source, so later it affected so many connected devices with a modified version of this malware.

[Related: 5 Ways To Secure Your Chatbot From Pirated Access]


Stop The Hackers Via Routers

The routers we are using today are not highly protected. We have not installed any specific security software on the devices which we have in our home. Thus, It sets the gateway for hackers to intrude and spread the among us easily. On focus, another prediction says, People, can get more Secure routers on the global market to stop the intruders right from the entry gate. There will not be any shortage of highly secured routers.
Image result for IOT security

Features of future routers

Automated security alerts & updates
Secured DNS
Strong Data Encryption

The End

Literally, Sensors and smart technologies will take over our complex tasks in future  and we can control the issues based on the real time data analysis. Decentralized Blockchain will stand as a great backbone for us to solve our day-to-day complications through software industries. If all the technologies are used in a right way then it could be a great milestone for the future generations too.
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AgiraTech is a technology company whose business services and domain solutions supports global clients who comprise the current world economy. Services we offer : Web development, Mobile App development, Blockchain, IoT and DevOps Consulting