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PHP 7.4 – Features, Deprecations, and Updates

  • By Agira Technologies
  • September 4, 2020

PHP is one of the top programming languages that powers WordPress website which comprises 74% of all the websites present on the web. With the latest stable PHP update, it is important to mention that it was the last version until PHP 8. With a lot of new functionality, syntax add-ons, and improvements, there is so much to make your web application run efficiently by delivering higher performance.

If you are using PHP for your website and planning to update it to the latest version, here is the article that lets you a clear idea about PHP 7.4 as an entrepreneur or a website owner.

It is crucial for you to know that PHP 7.4 efficiently improves performance and code readability. By considering that PHP8 as a major milestone for higher performance with JIT inclusion, updating your web application to the latest version is the first thing to do.

Here are some of the major features, deprecations, and Updates that were made in the latest update of PHP 7.4. For the complete official list of changes, you can check this link here.

Features, Deprecations, and Updates

There are many significant changes in PHP 7.4. Here are some major changes or updates that you should know. 

New Features

PHP Core – 

  • Support for Typed Properties
  • Support for Arrow Functions
  • Limited Covariant Returns and Contravariant Parameters
  • Support for Null coalescing assign (??=) operator
  • Support for WeakReferences
  • Preloading
  • Spread Operator in Array Expression


There are many deprecations happening with the merge to 7.4. The following list is a short overview of the functions targeted for deprecation. You can find a more detailed explanation here:

  • Nested ternary operators without explicit parentheses.
  • Array and string offset access using curly braces.
  • (real) cast and is_real() function.
  • Unbinding $this when $this is used.
  • parent keyword without parent class.
  • allow_url_include INI option.
  • Invalid characters in base conversion functions.
  • Using array_key_exists() on objects.
  • Magic quotes legacy
  • Reflection export() methods
  • mb_strrpos() with encoding as 3rd argument
  • implode() parameter order mix
  • Unbinding $this from non-static closures
  • hebrevc() function
  • convert_cyr_string() function
  • money_format() function
  • ezmlm_hash() function
  • restore_include_path() function


Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that can give you clear out clouds. 

Is This the latest PHP 7.4 version stable?

Yes. PHP 7.4 is the latest version to date and the best stable version of the language. From November 28, 2019, it was released officially and being accessed for general availability from then. Most of the PHP developers and website owners conclude that PHP 7.4 is excellent in improving the performance and effortless code readability. They are expecting more of the same from the next major release PHP 8 which is a real milestone for PHP users.

Is PHP 7.4 backward compatible?

It is obvious for any latest update to have deprecations that may affect the functionalities, themes and plugins that are developed using the older versions. Similarly, the latest version might have some impact on your existing plugins or themes due to compatibility issues with the latest version. Hence, a skilled PHP developer or expert would advise you to be up to date by migrating your application to the latest versions of PHP with the help of skilled experts or PHP might throw deprecation warnings or random errors.

Is it necessary to upgrade to PHP 7.4?

Unless you need your website or web application with a boosted performance, quicker loading times, and basically, if you want to leverage all the enhancements and improvements mentioned above, yes, you should update it to the latest version.  For this edition, the encoding of your website would be much smoother and simpler. That’s why it’s a smart thing to go through the latest upgradation by considering the negative effects too.

Is PHP 7.4 faster?

It is technically proven that PHP 7.4 is the fastest version of PHP so far. Boost your WordPress efficiency with the best version by not compromising on the quality over anything else. Most importantly, PHP 7.4 is just an introduction to the new PHP 8. 

How to upgrade to the latest PHP version?

There is no doubt that the latest version improves your website’s performance and functionality than ever before. So, this the best time to make the right move by updating your WordPress with PHP’s latest version.

As already mentioned, updating a website or migrating it to the latest version can involve a lot of complex factors that might end up in random errors or website crashes in worst-case scenarios. So, it is important to hire the best PHP developers who can help you upgrade your web application to the latest version at its best by leveraging the most out of the latest technologies.

If you have a business idea in your mind and searching for a reliable web development company, you are in the right place. Hire the best web developers in the industry from Agira technologies.

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