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React Concurrent Mode – Everything You Should Know

  • By Agira Technologies
  • September 8, 2020

React JS is one of those frameworks that is never afraid of experimenting with new technologies to resolve the problems that are experienced by the users and the developers when developing an application. With the help of its strong, active, and encouraging community of developers, React JS is working on a new experimental feature called React Concurrent Mode. The React Concurrent Mode release date is still not mentioned cleared in its roadmap, but you can expect it soon. If you are a startup owner or entrepreneur who is looking for options to make your React Application run more smoothly and efficiently with better user experience, this is the blog that you should read.

What is React Concurrent Mode?

By definition,

A set of new features that help React apps stay responsive and gracefully adjust to the user’s device capabilities and network speed.

As you know that React is a Javascript framework, there are a few drawbacks that make things difficult for the user as well as the developer when building the best user interface and delivering the best user experience throughout all the devices. Here is the list of some of the common drawbacks that can be encountered when designing user interfaces using Javascript.

  1. JavaScript is a single-threaded language which means each task runs in a single thread by blocking the next task from executing until the task before is completed.
  2. When a page requires multiple inputs and when it fails or delays to load completely due to unavailability or delayed inputs, the race condition occurs.
  3. Usually, when the entire structure of the page loads, it loads temporary placeholders. Those pages display multiple spinners until the actual content is loaded.

These problems get aggravated when the package is in a bigger size and delivers a very negative impact on the user experience.

As a solution to the above problems, the React Team formulated a set of features that caters to the requirements of the users and the developers.

Concurrent rendering enables applications to render the main thread and other threads simultaneously using its latest React Concurrent Mode. Concurrent rendering makes for a quick, seamless, and elegant transition when page loads to deliver responsive results with enhanced user experience. It also measures the speed of the network, the configuration, and the system in operation. Concurrent rendering fixes certain typical page load problems, such as block rendering.

React Concurrent Functionality

Roots – Ability to control initial render

Time slicing – Ability to prioritize events

React Suspense – Ability to suspend/resume a component render

React Cache – Cache and warm data before needed

Hidden (Prop) – Ability to hide HTML components from the initial render.

How does React Concurrent Mode enhance User Experience?

The UI thread of the browser is accountable for implementing all alterations facilitated by CSS, User input, and Javascript to the user’s screen.  We are expected to achieve 60 frames per second (fps) to provide the best user experience in any modern device. To accomplish this, our code must run in 16.67 milliseconds for each cycle of rendering, and even less up to approximately 10 ms.

As we know that React is a javascript framework or library(precisely), it follows the same functionality and drawbacks. Once React had begun the reconciliation phase, it doesn’t stop until it is done. The main UI thread of the browser would then be unable to perform any other tasks, such as receiving user input. Even though React’s reconciliation algorithm is extremely efficient. When a web application becomes huge as the dom tree expands, it’s easy to see how causing frame drops that lead to jank or even unresponsive applications is a popular issue.

Take a look at this React Concurrent Mode Demo

Difference between Lazy Loading and Concurrent Mode

Lazy loading and concurrent mode might seem to look identical, but in fact, they are very different. React embraces the principle of lazy loading in that it prioritizes components that are important to the UI before switching to the others.

Suspense for Data Fetching

Suspense for Data Fetching is one of the most fascinating elements in Concurrent Mode. You will not need to wait for the answer to come back before you start rendering. Start rendering and extracting at the same time. It can also overcome several race problems, enhance the general user experience, and allow new functionality that has not been available before. 

Concurrent Mode is now opening a lot of fascinating doors.  The purpose of improving the website faster, run efficiently and with enhanced user interface has always been the same. But, to React and its technology, the future becomes extremely exciting. 

As you know, the concurrent mode seems to be in the developmental or experimental stage but has gained attention due to its extensive way of solving a responsive and efficient nature. 

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