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Top Companies That Use Ruby on Rails

  • By Agira Technologies
  • January 16, 2020

Ruby on Rails gives you an exceptional development ecosystem to build any web application despite its type. It is robust, scalable and reliable with active community support and dedicated Ruby on Rails developers.
You might be reading this in all the Ruby on rails blog. But, is Ruby really capable? It is easy to say that. Can you prove it? Yes.
Let’s see what top companies use Ruby on Rails. So, we will come to know the capability of Ruby on Rails and which industry it favours.
We, at Agira technologies, have harnessed the most benefits out of Ruby on Rails to develop highly efficient web applications to many of our clients. Apart from us, there are many other top fortune-500 companies like Airbnb, Crushbase, Bloomberg, Github and Fiver are using Ruby on rails to leverage its advantages.
Not only for huge companies, but Ruby on Rails is highly scalable, quick and efficient which makes it perfect for start-ups too. Here are the real-time applications of Ruby on rails in many different sectors from e-commerce sites, heavy traffic sites, social media platforms, video streaming platforms, music platforms, project management tools and cloud-based applications.

Ruby on Rails for Ecommerce sites

Some of the top e-commerce sites that use Ruby on rails are Shopify, Etsy and Groupon.

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It is the #1 eCommerce software platform that let businesses sell online with online stores. More than 1,000,000 businesses powered by Shopify and its businesses around the world have made over $135 billion in sales.
Shopify, Etsy and Groupon can also be called as SaaS. So, it is clear that Ruby on rails suits better for Software as a Service model too.
Tobias Lütke, the CEO of Shopify, once said,

“It’s crazy people are suggesting Shopify has been successful despite Rails. Shopify has been successful because of Rails.”

This SaaS platform lets businesses to build reliable e-commerce sites easily with customizable options and attractive themes.
Shopify is probably one of the most successful, world’s largest and oldest Ruby on Rails-based company.
Recently Shopify has upgraded to the latest version of RoR. They have been scaling the business that started from 5 to 4000 massively within this framework. It proudly mentions that it powers 600K merchants and serves 80K requests per second at peak. Some of the most trending sales around the world were managed through Shopify. Some of the world’s largest sale for Super Bowl, Kylie Cosmetics, Justin Bieber and Kanye West.

Other than that, they have contributed to Ruby on Rails with a liquid templating language.
It is an open-source template language, called Liquid, written in Ruby for the front end. Scaling is made invisible with Ruby on Rails.
Many other eCommerce sites and online market places use Ruby on Rails as one of their important tech stacks. Some of the popular companies are Gumroad, Groupon and Etsy.

Top Video Streaming sites built with Ruby on Rails

Hulu Ruby on rails


It is a video streaming platform with around 28 Million active subscribers currently available only in the United States.
Hulu mentioned why they chose Ruby on Rails in their tech blog.

“When Hulu made its debut in 2007, the web experience was powered by a monolithic application written in Rails and jQuery. This architecture benefited Hulu at the startup stage by simplifying development and deployment efforts”

Now, their platform is rewritten with other languages, Ruby on Rails still remains in the parts of their backend and front end.
There is another popular live video streaming platform built with Ruby on Rails called Twitch. It is for professional gamers, game lovers and celebrity gamers to live video streaming when gaming. Around 54 Million users and over 2.2M live-streaming videos monthly.

Top Online Marketplaces built with Ruby on Rails

Airbnb Ruby on Rails


It is the to-go choice for every traveller to book accommodations around 200 countries listing over 4 million businesses. More than 260 Million people use Airbnb for their services and its well-known UX/UI design.
It connects the travellers with the room owners and let them rent it for a period.
Its tech stack includes Ruby on Rails and other libraries like React JS. It still does use Ruby on Rails as a significant part of its stack.
” RoR framework is well known for its awesome capabilities that speed up development and, as a result, reduce costs and TTM (time to market). ” said Julia Tokareva, Software Development Consultant at RubyGarage.
Initially, Airbnb was built using HTML, Javascript and PHP. With success, the company has rewritten it into Ruby on rails. They have got reasons to choose Ruby on Rails over Python. That reason is to speed up development and to reduce cost. If you need to mention anyone programming language used in Airbnb, that is undoubtedly Ruby on Rails. Read More about Julia’s views here.

Top Project Management tools built with Ruby on Rails


Ruby on Rails was created by one of the major partners of this company, David Heinemeier Hansson. David said (in 2015) that Basecamp ran at 2,000 requests per second at peak.

“Rails doesn’t scale!” I think 2,000 requests a second is no joke. Not that impressed? Shopify is running a monolithic Rails app at 17,000 requests per second. – David Heinemeier Hansson

Click here to read the full interview with the founder of Basecamp and Ruby on Rails.
This well-known online project management tool was built using Ruby. With 45 members in 2004, the company quickly scaled it up to 2 million users in 2016. Currently, it has more than 15 Million active users and 700TB user uploads.
Basecamp launched its third version and it’s seen 99.879% daily uptime since launch.

basecamp ruby on rails
Source: Basecamp

Top Social Media Platforms


Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion
It is the world’s most famous site for readers, book recommendations and reviews. Over 90 million users and 90 million reviews on 2.6 billion books.
It lets the users see the recent books their friends read or interested and add a comment/ review on it.
The tech stack of this social media platform for book readers includes Ruby on Rails. The founder of Goodreads, Otis Chandler himself is a fan of Ruby on Rails which he learned it as soon as Ruby came to the tech market and he simultaneously developed Goodreads as the result.
Many other social media platforms use Ruby on Rails such as and Twitter. was one of the most famous social media platforms around the 2010s with nearly 220 Million users and 350 Million visits per month.


Twitter also used Ruby on Rails initially along with Jquery to build its working product in very less time. It was rewritten using scala after a few years, but Rails still remains in parts of twitter.

Top Development Platforms Built with Ruby on Rails

Many web development and software development sites were developed using Ruby on Rails in which Github and Heroku are the most popular ones.

github_Top 7 Essential Tools For Front End Web DevelopmentGithub

Github is very well-known among the developers for its web-based software hosting service with a huge open-source library. More than 40 Million users contributed to 100 Million repositories and 1.8 Billion businesses use it. Ruby on Rails can proudly take account for its success as most part of Github is built with this framework. Most recently, the Github team upgraded its product with the latest Ruby version.


Heroku is a cloud-based application platform for developers to build, deliver, maintain and scale both mobile and web applications. Around 7 Million apps have been developed using Heroku and 23 billion requests are answered per day.
If you think Ruby on Rails is suitable only for SaaS, Heroku is here to prove it wrong. Because Heroku is one of the most efficient PaaS, Ruby works well for any business model including PaaS and SaaS.

Top Cloud-based Applications built with Ruby on Rails

zendesk ruby on rails


This cloud-based software service links both shop owners and customers for customer support or service through multiple devices including computers, tablets and smartphones.
Its clients include Shopify, Airbnb and more.
With 2,000 employees and more than 100 thousand paid customers around 150 countries, it is one of the successful Ruby on Rails product.
Other content-heavy platforms such as SlideShare were also built with Ruby on Rails. It is the most popular slide or presentation hosting site with 70 Million active users. Many other incredible things can be done with Ruby on Rails if you hire the right Ruby on rails developers for your development. Find the best Ruby on Rails programmers in the industry from Agira technologies.
Read more rails blogs here: How To Integrate Rails with React: A Guide For Ruby On Rails & React Developers

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AgiraTech is a technology company whose business services and domain solutions supports global clients who comprise the current world economy. Services we offer : Web development, Mobile App development, Blockchain, IoT and DevOps Consulting