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7 Reasons Why Facebook’s React Native Is the Future Of Hybrid App Development

  • By Sankar Raman
  • December 31, 2018

Mobile app development evolved as a simplified business solution, that acts like a tool that remains “easy to communicate”. Usually, most of the companies or the clients will be looking for shorter development cycles, prefers quick time deployment, and better app performance. So to match that level of expectations, initially, developers have to sit and work more for each mobile OS separately and should be careful on developing code to match each compliance of OS. Luckily, React Native is the game changer for all! Because you can write a single code base for all OS and you can use it anywhere.

Hybrid App :

Hybrid mobile app development is the way to combine both elements of native and web app with the help of web technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript. In the market, there are lots of hybrid mobile app technologies available. The hybrid app runs in webView (A view that displays web pages, uses the same engine of a browser but no browser like widgets). The main advantage is Hybrid app can be built for any platform using single code.

React Native

React Native is an open-source framework that allows you to build a mobile app with JavaScript and on other words, React Native is the latest technology native version of the JavaScript library. It was introduced by, Facebook software engineer (Jordan Walke) to write real natively rendering interfaces that provides simpler development, maintenance, and better user experience.

Let’s Focus On The 7 Strong Reasons Why Facebook’s React Native Is the Future Of Hybrid App Development,


1. Native experience

React native achieves same level of hardware-based performance & acceleration as like native apps. Compared to other cross-platform app development tools like PhoneGap, Ionic, etc. React Native completely deals with Native components and it uses JavaScript library to build a UI that helps to make mobile apps that work smooth and easy as native apps.

2. Code Reusable

React approaches “write once and deploy anywhere” concept so you can write the code once and deploy it across all mobile platforms and even you can reuse the code across both web and mobile platforms. Another notable thing in React is that you no longer need to develop the code for Android and iOS separately because the single code base is enough for both the platforms. Other side, significantly it will result in reducing the Development costs and time. Also, Code reusability achieved above 90% across both iOS and Android devices.


3. Instant Live Updates

Unlike other frameworks, there is no need for you to go through the app store or write code for updating an app. With the support of Javascript, React allows users to directly release the new updates then & there.

4. Hot Reloading

React Native gives the best possible experience for developers. A big part of it is, users don’t have to save the file every time because you can able to see the changes as soon as you make. Therefore, transparency highly achieved in React, therefore, reflecting the changes instantly will be highly beneficial for developers to work with.
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5. Highly Efficient

React Native offers great native experience to the developers that possess high responsive layouts, high speed, greater agility and the best user experience all at once. And another major advantage is, it just takes lesser time for deployment compared to other languages.

6.Simple To Learn

Other mobile development languages such as Swift and Objective-C, Java can be bit frustrating and puzzling for newcomers whereas React uses JavaScript to develop React Native Mobile Application. So it would be easy for the developers to write hustle free code.
With React Native framework, any front-end developer can easily try and start indulging in mobile development and all they need is a brief introduction to understand the ropes.

Related: Top 10 React Components Libraries Every Javascript Developers Must Know


7.Positive Developer Experience

Compared to the other Hybrid technology React Native extends more support for developers and provides simplified code structure. Also, React Native architecture is well tuned for mobile devices so the developer can easily understand its core structure.
Other than this Hybrid apps also has the range of superlative features such as native performance, shorter development cycle, and quality-adequated architecture which are mostly expected by most of the developers and also by clients. We also looking forward to hear your valid reasons on choosing React native. Post us your experience in comments below.
Want to read more about React and other technologies? Join us on the excursion of exploring technologies read more from here.

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Sankar Raman

A full stack Android app developer having 4 years of experience in Mobile app development. Well amalgamated Co-worker who rapidly commutes in developing, implementing and adopting new technologies to wider possibilities of App development.